The game's plot revolves around a young man named Oleg Baranov, consumed by the heartbreak of his divorce. In a quest to regain control over his life and seek meaning, the character embarks on a journey to a quaint village. Its inhabitants are rumored to possess a mystical artifact known as "The Can of Worms." This can is said to bestow the ability to comprehend the most intricate issues to those daring enough to open it. Shortly after Oleg's arrival, he uncovers that the villagers venerate the union between a man and a woman, bearing an uncanny resemblance to Oleg and his former spouse. The date of this "Holy Marriage", the village's most treasured celebration, coincides with the day of the protagonist's divorce. Subsequent events unfold in two realms, the tangible and the dreamlike, hinting at a link between the "Holy Marriage" and a looming nuclear catastrophe, whether past or future.
The game's international cast comprises a diverse array of individuals, encompassing artists, curators, musicians, activists, and journalists. Notable figures such as Holly Herndon, Kate NV, and Sonic Death assume fictionalized versions of themselves. Some of these characters are playable in specific sections of the game.
In terms of concept, the game marks the artist's shift towards interactive media and narratives that contain more pronounced political commentary. Its genre is most aptly described as a Japanese-style role-playing game. Although still under development, the game has already made appearances as a component of the artist's live performances and various exhibitions.